Source code for

import logging

import numpy as np

[docs]def load_pretrained_embeddings(embeddings_file, embeddings_dim, word_to_ix, skip_header=False): """ Load pretrained embeddings weights. For the words that don't have a pre-trained embedding, we assign them a randomly initialized one. Args: embeddings_file (str): Weights file embeddings_dim (int): Embeddings dim word_to_ix (dict): Word to index mapper Returns: np.matrix: pre-trained embeddings matrix """ # init random embeddings weights_matrix = np.random.randn(len(word_to_ix), embeddings_dim) * 0.01 n_words_found = 0 with open(embeddings_file, "r") as f: for i, line in enumerate(f): if skip_header and i == 0: continue # parse row line_split = line.split(" ") word = line_split[0] embeddings = line_split[1:] embeddings = np.array(embeddings).astype(float) # sanity check try: assert len(embeddings) == embeddings_dim except AssertionError: logging.warning("word {0} has incorect embeddings format".format(word)) continue # add embeddings if we find them if word in word_to_ix: weights_matrix[word_to_ix[word]] = embeddings n_words_found += 1"{0} words with pre-trained embeddings".format(n_words_found)) return weights_matrix