Source code for src.utils.vocabulary

import string
from collections import defaultdict

[docs]def make_char_to_ix(): """ Make a character to index dictionary. Returns: dict: character to index """ all_chars = string.printable + "°éèàëïüâêîôûç" char_to_ix = {c: i for i, c in enumerate(all_chars)} return char_to_ix
[docs]def make_word_to_ix(train_sentences, char_to_split_at=" ", unk_tag="<UNK>"): """ Make a word to index dictionary Args: train_sentences (list): list of sentences char_to_split_at (str, optional): str. Character to use to split \ the sentence (for tokenization). Defaults to " ". unk_tag (str, optional): Unknown tag. Defaults to "<UNK>". Returns: [type]: [description] """ word_to_ix = defaultdict(str) word_to_ix[unk_tag] = 0 for sent in train_sentences: for word in sent.split(char_to_split_at): if word not in word_to_ix: word_to_ix[word] = len(word_to_ix) return word_to_ix